Miltenberg, Davis, Vinci, Federico: “Former Harvard Women’s Hockey Coach Sues School Over Dismissal,” WHDH News 7 Boston


After almost three decades as Harvard University’s Women’s Ice Hockey Coach, leading her team to more than 500 victories, Katey Stone is now suing the school. She claims the school values male coaches more than female coaches, and said when she brought it up to school administrators she was forced out of her job. “The loss of my career, my reputation, my ability to earn a living doing the job I love, is gut-wrenching,” Stone said. Stone’s attorney Andrew Miltenberg pointed to a March 2022 incident when the coach addressed players in the room. “Coach Stone used a phrase that we’ve all heard, many of us have used, talking to her players: ‘There are too many chiefs on the ice, not enough Indians,” Miltenberg said. The attorney said Stone apologized, reported the comment, and allowed an investigation to play out, which he said found no pattern of unprofessional conduct. “The incident ultimately became the catalyst, the pretext for Harvard to start its campaign to undermine and ultimately force the resignation of Katey Stone,” Miltenberg said. “A campaign that started when the coach Stone raised the fact she was undervalued and underpaid.” Stone said players, some upset with their amount of ice time, made false accusations about her as a coach. Stone insists Harvard told her not to defend herself, to stay quiet and it would all blow over. But in May 2023, Stone’s attorney said Harvard told her they were not bringing her back for the upcoming season. A Harvard spokesperson said the school does not comment on active litigation. Stone is suing the college and leaving the door open to suing up to 50 more people she says were involved in the situation.

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