Academic Integrity

If you or your child has been accused of academic dishonesty—whether plagiarism or cheating on an exam—the penalties can be severe. Even if you think there’s been no wrongdoing, you should understand clearly what you need to do to protect yourself and your future.

The most common form of cheating is plagiarism. With growing use of electronic monitoring systems to track student work and behavior, the opportunities to be subject to an accusation are increasing.

Your school’s Student Handbook should clearly outline both the process for determining guilt or innocence and what the penalties for cheating are. However, the pace of technological change is leaving handbooks behind.

“No one will protect your rights and your future better than we will.”

That’s why having a strong advocate for due process like Andrew Miltenberg in your corner is essential. Miltenberg, recognized as a Distinguished Due Process Attorney for his work on campus and in the courtroom, not only guards your rights during the school investigation, but constructs the foundation as the basis for future legal remedies for you throughout the process.

Whatever the finding of an on-campus body, we are immediately prepared to take any violation of your due process rights and resulting damage to your well-being or reputation to a court of law for a fair hearing. No other team establishes the basis of your future litigation during your initial defense as thoroughly, deliberately, and effectively as we do.

When Should I Hire a Lawyer?

A lawyer who is experienced dealing with academic integrity cases can help you right away. In fact, the sooner you speak with one, the better your chances of getting the right support during what may be a confusing and fast-moving process.

This will be a highly technical investigation. Evidence will be gathered from a wide range of sources, including your college network internet searches, email accounts, and personal electronic devices, from your computer to your phone.

An academic integrity attorney will help to:

  • Find favorable information that will help your case
  • Review records that the school is gathering as well as data from your personal devices
  • Present your best case to hearing officers who will be determining the on-campus finding
  • Ensure the accused has a full and fair opportunity to be heard
  • Ensure the accused can file an appeal if necessary

We’re here to protect your rights and your future

Call us at 212-736-4500 or email us for a consultation and you can expect to hear from Andrew Miltenberg within two hours.

What to Do If You’re Accused of Cheating at School

– Andrew Miltenberg

Academic Integrity

Dartmouth Medical School Cheating Scandal

At Issue:

In March 2021, Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine was rocked when 17 students were charged with cheating based on the school’s review of their online activity on a learning management system. Despite outcries from the students, there were threats of expulsion, suspension, failures, and misconduct marks that would have derailed future medical careers. Dartmouth gave students less than 48 hours to respond to charges and would not even provide complete data logs.


Following a review of the software, it was determined that student devices were generating activity even when they were not in use. It was also found that the university was using the learning management system to retroactively track student activity—something it was not designed to do. All honor code charges were dismissed.

– As covered in The New York Times

What We Do for You

At Nesenoff & Miltenberg, we have the knowledge and resources to build the best case for your hearing. We can conduct searches on your devices for supporting evidence. We can advise you on writing your appeal and attend your hearing. We can slow down a “rush to judgement.”

We have helped students across the country who’ve been accused of violations of academic integrity, and we can help you. Call us at
212-736-4500 or contact us by email today and you can expect to hear from Andrew Miltenberg within two hours.

Your next steps:

  • DO call for a free consultation as soon as you are accused.
  • DO NOT speak with anyone about your case.
  • DO take time to learn the school’s process and code of conduct.
  • DO NOT go on social media to discuss your case.
  • DO consider the psychological impact and take appropriate steps to ensure you remain calm.