Recognized as the leading law firm representing those accused of misconduct, clients hire us for the personal attention, hard work, street smarts, and excellent value we bring to each case.

Outstanding professional help from Tara accompanied by personal touch and empathy with perfect results. Highly recommended if you happen to deal with a Title IX situation

As a retired partner of a mid-sized New York law firm specializing in corporate and banking law and related litigation, I was shocked when my grandson was expelled from a well-known university for purportedly co-hosting a small, off-campus gathering in the waning days of the Covid pandemic. The university, without providing notice of the claims or the identities of the persons making the claims, quickly conducted an administrative “hearing” with no real opportunity for my grandson to defend himself from vague charges of impropriety, resulting in the expulsion order. I knew I had to seek out and retain the very best counsel available to address this situation and avoid serious damage to my grandson’s academic career. Consultation with my firm and another prominent NYC firm led me to Andrew T. Miltenberg.

In Mr. Miltenberg I found counsel who was knowledgeable and skillful in forming the foundation for an administrative appeal while also preparing for civil litigation if the administrative appeal was unsuccessful. Fortunately, Mr. Miltenberg’s intervention during the administrative appeal process resulted in a reversal of the expulsion, avoiding the need for litigation and allowing my grandson to remain enrolled at the university

In forty years of practice, I have engaged with and against countless lawyers at the leading edge of their specialties. Mr. Miltenberg is one of them and I am privileged to recommend him, without reservation, for any student confronted with disciplinary proceedings in higher education.

Our son was involved in a Title IX offense at his small college. We were beyond upset when we were able to view the notice of allegations by the accuser. We had no idea of what the next step(s) should be in protecting our son and his academic career while fighting the false claims. The college had advised my son that he could use one of their counselors and that we did not need an outside attorney. Initially, we took their advice, but then realized that the college was going to do what it needed to do to protect its federal funding and did not care about my son’s innocence. We realized that we needed to have someone in our corner who was experienced in Title IX cases and not an inexperienced counselor who could not advise our son. We contacted Nesenoff & Miltenberg. Immediately, we received a call back from Marybeth Sydor. Ms. Sydor spoke to us at length, letting us know that she would be there every step of the way and what we could expect. Ms. Sydor calmed our fears and worked with us in every aspect of the case. She was phenomenal. Between Ms. Sydor’s knowledge and expertise and the outstanding consultation and advice given by Mr. Miltenberg, our son was found not guilty or responsible for any allegations or any wrongdoing. It was the outcome we had hoped for, our son could continue on with his education. We cannot imagine how this would have turned out if we had listened to the college and let an inexperienced counselor handle our son’s defense. We would highly recommend the law firm of Nesenoff & Miltenberg to any family going through Title IX proceedings at the college level.

My daughter was recently involved in a Title IX issue at her college campus. We were encouraged by the school not to seek legal assistance but after speaking to Mr. Miltenberg, we were convinced otherwise. He pointed out the very serious possibilities that could arise if things did not go our way. We were convinced that these charges were defensible and explainable but were not sure how to convey that. Mr. Miltenberg spoke to my daughter at length and chose a young female attorney, Ms. Adrienne Levy, at his firm to represent her. This was a fabulous choice and Ms. Levy helped my daughter find her voice and defend herself. This is exactly why we did need legal assistance during this very emotional time and could not risk approaching it ourselves. I am very happy to say that justice prevailed and thanks to Ms. Levy and the firm, my daughter’s education will continue uninterrupted. If anyone finds themselves in this horrible situation, please do not hesitate to get the help you need from this very professional and competent law firm.

Andrew Miltenberg and Diana Warshow did a phenomenal job representing the victim in a very complex case. Their extensive experience, compassionate understanding, combined with the ability to both recommend strategy and tactically execute was unmatched and was deeply appreciated. Would highly recommend them for the Complainant side of the Title IX and UWC process.

What stands out to me about your work is the scholarly and educational quality of the pleadings that you file. The judge can’t help but be educated.

Thank you everyone. We are all somewhat shell shocked and trying to remember how to breathe.

Your team’s collective approach, especially our relationship with Marybeth and Adrienne, was absolutely fundamental to success. At times our family had to navigate a process that demands patience and logic when our emotions were far too raw. It was important from the beginning that we had a partnership with you all and we recognize and appreciate how that was honored. We are slowly returning to the land of the living thanks to you all.

A heartfelt thank you to each of you for your dedicated high caliber work on our family’s, especially our son’s, behalf, and for believing in justice and due process as a fundamental principal of our democracy. As parents, our anguish was profound as we watched our son navigate an exceedingly dark and unjust experience. It was agony to feel so helpless. We appreciate your patience as our emotions at times almost swamped us into a state of indecision.

Working with you gave us hope, not just in our family’s situation but in our society–that there are people like you who work for the better good of our communities.

As privileged white Americans, this whole experience gave us a tiny glimpse into what it means to be an American for those who are both less privileged, and, because of their race, gender or religion, face discrimination on a daily basis.

We know that you will all continue to do outstanding work. We wish each of you the best.

And thank you for working so closely with our son regarding his grades. When the situation first unfolded, he retreated into his younger self and desperately sought and clung to our support. Now as he moves forward, he has pulled back, reclaimed his independence and young adulthood, and prefers to have little input from his parents.

Andrew, you are so much more than you give yourself credit for. You’re a therapist – and a really gifted one. You help put things into perspective that give people comfort and clarity at one of the worst moments in their lives. You are a champion for the underdog, and for those who deserve to have someone in their corner – everyone deserves that, and you bring yourself fully to the process. You’re a remarkable man and I’m grateful to have you in my corner.

To the N&M team who are doing outstanding work to help protect the due process rights of convicted students in the eyes of Universities.

Andrew and his team are very knowledgeable people to handle Title IX due process related cases. When I first talked to Andrew, it felt like I reached the right person to help my son who was wrongfully accused. They are knowledgeable, helpful, and were always reachable whether it was by mail, text, or even phone calls. They were also very receptive and kept us up-to-date on any and all information that had come about. We are very thankful the team for their help throughout this difficult situation.

The team always proactively communicated about the progress of the case, possible next steps and alternatives, which gave us confidence that we entrusted our case to the right people. Throughout the process, Andrew, Stuart and the team always kept us well informed, assisted us with any questions that arose, and followed up with us if we had any concerns. The team also took the extra steps and reached out to other educational experts to make sure they had covered all the bases before moving forward.

The team effectively and proactively communicated about the current developments, progress, and next steps throughout the entirety of the case. The team was not only sympathetic, but also empathetic and guided my son through the process to make sure all aspects of the case are covered.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Andrew, Stuart, Marybeth and everyone at N&M for everything you have done for my son and our family. We are forever grateful for what you have done.

It is difficult to put into words the gratitude we feel, as a family, to Stuart Bernstein, our primary lawyer, as well as Andrew Miltenberg, who made his support felt at key moments throughout what must be characterized as the most painful and frightening period of our lives. Stuart’s unerring professional acumen, quick responsiveness, eye for detail, and a stunning combination of nimbleness of mind and profound experience, were matched only by his natural humanity and unfussy compassion. My husband and I don’t know where we would be today without the allies we found in Nesenoff & Miltenberg, LLP

On behalf of my son and I, along with my husband and daughter, we cannot express in words how thankful and appreciative we all are to have found Andrew and Marybeth to represent him. As you are both well aware of, with the many cases you take on, it is very stressful for the accused and their family to have to go through this ordeal. All I can say is how blessed we are to have our son represented by a legal firm that is so organized. I have seen many attorneys that don’t return calls or emails for days. Marybeth never missed a beat and worked diligently to help our son reply to emails in a prompt manner. We are blessed.

I had the best Mother’s Day ever – a family day for the four of us with a lot of gratefulness all around.  Thank you for all your help toward this favorable outcome, truly remarkable given what is going on nationally.  It is a testament to both my son’s integrity as well as the support of you and your firm.  I am deeply grateful.

I want to thank you so much for doing such a wonderful job for our son. I truly believe that his school would have blamed him for everything if we had not hired you. He would have been lost without your guidance in this process. You fully prepped & prepared him every step of the way. Thank you for your professionalism & expertise in this very frustrating matter. All thanks to you.

Andrew and the team at N&M helped me through a very difficult time in my life. Throughout the process, their support, warmth, kindness and expertise made me feel like I was in very good hands. This feeling was proven in the winning of our case. I would recommend them to anyone.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your staff at Nesenoff & Miltenberg for everything you all have done for my son and our family. I can vividly remember taking the phone call from my son and him telling me what he had been accused of hearing the stress and despair in his voice. During our conversation he told me he would have never done what he was being accused of and was unequivocally innocent of such accusations.

Hearing him say this, I knew I had to do whatever it took to assure he received the best possible defense to assist him through this long and gruesome process, hence my phone call to you. After speaking with you I felt a lot better about our situation and my sons future which was trying to be taken from him. Not knowing that this process would take a year of our lives to see through to the end I was glad we had you on our side.

The team at N&M has a way of calming the situation when it seems very stressful, they understood our son and how to handle him and work with him throughout this process, they know when to be aggressive in what they say and write, they also know when to be passive which was just as important at times. They knew when to be firm with us to get what they needed from us to assist us at times knowing what was best for us. Their knowledge of the system, the process, the laws, my son’s rights were instrumental in our success. They were always available for phone calls to answer our questions, they always responded to our text messages quickly and diligently.

With all due respect to the opposing counsel the team at N&M was just better, they were better prepared, they had a better sense of what was important to say or write, and what I believe, a better knowledge base of how the whole system works giving my son the best possible chance to get every possible important item either written or said when needed. With all of that said, I feel what sets the team at N&M apart the most in the end is that they care. We always felt they cared very much about my son and our family, just as if it were their own. I don’t think they will really ever know how their strength and drive helped us through this tough and trying time which we will always be grateful for.

Again, please allow me to thank you and the team at N&M for everything, and I truly mean that. I can only imagine what would have happened to my son if he would have come out on the other end of this case, however, because everyone’s efforts I will never have to. I am so thankful there are people like you and the team at N&M out there fighting for people like my son, you demand justice where it always isn’t like it should be. With sincere gratitude I say if there is anything I can ever do or assist in any way please feel free to ask, I will always be grateful to you all.

So, when last December 15th found me barred from the university I grew to love and respect, barred from my students, colleagues, and the galleries that I directed, it was a defining moment.

As I read articles about you, listened to interviews, studied the court cases you were involved in, the more respect I had for your efforts.

I felt that you were really courageous for not just wading into the waters of all that involves Title IX, in fact it seemed you jumped head first into a maelstrom of anger, vindictiveness, sexism, politically correct politics and agendas, and sexual harassment or assault, either real or imagined, and into a new industry that arose after the Obama “Dear Colleague” letter.

Maybe courageous isn’t the proper word, maybe crazy, or lunacy is a better description, but jump you did, and we are all the better for it, men, women, trans, and all citizens.

I think that the work you do, is vital, paramount, and in the same league as the civil rights battles of the 60s, in the South, where “due process” seemed to be only some words written on a piece of paper, stuffed into a trash can somewhere in courtrooms, police stations, and the halls of government, business, and street corners. While the cases might be incidentally about someones personal experience, with all their petty details, the largeness of them as an uncomfortable truth as a path to rectify and punish the uncivil and mean spirited tools used by institutions and individuals to deny us the goals of the Constitution, and Bill of Rights.

So, reading of your work, the phone calls we had, and the support you provided helped me to personally survive a very dark period. It provided me and my family with hope, that my life as I knew it wasn’t over.

For that gift, I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart and my family.

As a student at Texas A&M University, I was involved in an extremely abusive relationship. The police were contacted and the school was informed. Before speaking with the offices of Nesenoff & Miltenberg, I was very worried, and had no idea what the outcome would be, as the charges filed against me were extremely serious. After speaking with and retaining the Nesenoff & Miltenberg, I was able to understand the process much better, get together everything I needed, and prepare adequately for my hearing. Ultimately, I was able to communicate everything I needed to, my rights as a student and citizen were protected by Nesenoff & Miltenberg, and I received the advice and support I needed to be successful. My abuser was separated from the school, and I remain here to complete my degree. I cannot recommend Nesenoff & Miltenberg enough.

Hello Everyone, I greatly appreciate everything you all have done and don’t know where I would be without your efforts. Thank you for all your effort in my case, and for continuing to help people in situations similar to mine. I hope you have great success in your new cases.

Dear Andrew and the team at N&M, When I think of the things I am thankful for this year, you are high on my list. I will always be grateful for the crucial help you gave our daughter and our family. She is a senior at Princeton and doing very well. I want you to know you changed the course of a promising young girl’s life. Our Daughter is a normal happy college kid now… she goes to lectures on Chinese foreign policy, she is studying art history, majoring in international relations, enjoying college activities from Shabbat dinner to Halloween parties, serving as a mentor for younger students and active in the campus service center volunteering for philanthropic causes. The work you do really matters — I know you know this already, but I cannot say it enough. I am so very very grateful and thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wish you and your families a happy holiday.