In 2009, George Krebs, then president of Columbia College Student Council, gave what Bwog called “a rather rousing speech.” … Krebs’ speech came in response to a series of crackdowns, dubbed the “War on Fun,” that had made it harder to access alcohol on campus. … Students responded with a bang, not a whimper. After the tailgate ban, three of the four undergraduate student councils organized a boycott of Baker concessions. Spectator released a series of staff editorials that reprimanded the University. … The battle over access to alcohol captivated the campus for years. … A student found responsible for a policy violation by the Dean’s Discipline process should expect, at minimum, to be put on Conditional Disciplinary Probation, in which they maintain ‘good disciplinary standing’ as long as they stay squeaky clean for a year. ‘Good disciplinary standing’ is important; you need it to live in a Special Interest Community, like InterCultural House, or to be a leader in certain clubs, like Columbia Outdoor Orientation Program. More serious punishments include loss of housing, suspension, or expulsion. Andrew Miltenberg, a lawyer who won a settlement against Columbia after the school allowed Emma Sulkowicz to complete her “Carry That Weight” performance art piece, says that by increasing its policing role on alcohol, the University also takes on liability: “The moment you miss one event or one situation, you get sued for negligence or improper oversight,” he explains.