
Miltenberg: “Fearing funding loss, colleges’ rush to judgment in sex assault cases can ruin young men’s lives,” New Jersey News


By Andrew Miltenberg

While Joe Biden’s campaign to end sexual assault is commendable, it’s also important to recognize the deeply flawed Title IX policies for sexual misconduct investigations on college campuses. Unfortunately, the Obama administration’s policies on campus sexual assault have created an inequitable process for sexual misconduct investigations — as well as an inherent male gender bias — at colleges and universities throughout the country. One sexual assault is too many, and so is one wrongfully expelled male student. Having represented more than 100 male students on college campuses across the country, in both blue states and red states, I have seen firsthand how wrongfully accused male students are being unfairly punished, with no opportunity to defend themselves. … Ensuring civil liberties on campus does not mean being permissive of acts of sexual violence. No matter what our politics may be, we should all agree that Title IX policies need to ensure that all students — both male and female — have the right to due process and a fair and impartial investigation.

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