
A Champion for Families
Facing Nursing Home Abuse
of a Loved One
During the Covid Pandemic

Andrew T. Miltenberg

A veteran trial lawyer, Andrew has been representing individuals, families, closely held businesses, partnerships and a wide range of investors in significant litigation for 30 years. His work focuses in equal measure on ensuring those engaging in improper behavior are held responsible for their actions, institutional disciplinary matters and due process.

This is especially true for families coping with nursing home abuse of beloved parents in the covd-19 pandemic.

Andrew is representing the family whose mother was grievously harmed by a nursing home operator. As he was quoted in the NYTimes:

‘We’re Just Horrified’: Why a Springsteen Sideman Took On Nursing Homes After his mother-in-law was infected with the coronavirus

“We think that this is going to be just the tip of the iceberg, and the care provided to the senior citizens and parents and grandparents over the past weeks has been nothing short, in the majority of cases, of grossly negligent,” said Andrew Miltenberg, the lawyer for the Lofgrens. “And the industry as a whole, its response has been to push for immunity.”

To read the full article click here.

Regardless of the nature of the case, often Andrew brings passion and deep experience to his work. Clients comment that Andrew has a sophisticated understanding of complex business issues and disciplinary matters and is able to guide clients effectively on strategic decisions. Viewed as a consummate professional in the courtroom — aggressive, yet steady and balanced — he is frequently sought out by other attorneys to serve as trial counsel. He has successfully tried numerous cases to verdict, and has been named a fellow to the Litigation Counsel of America, an honorary society for trial lawyers.

Despite his admitted weakness for underdogs and willingness to take on a just fight, Andrew embraces the practical reality that sometimes the best results come with the avoidance of litigation. His thoughtful, common sense guidance can often help clients find a way to address grievances without resorting to filing suit. Andrew also serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of several organizations.

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